Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mirror Frame Geometric Experiment

I purchased a mosaic kit as a kid project, but hadn't used it with the kid. I didn't particularly like the glass tiles (adamenti), so rather than tossing it, I decided to use it as an experiment with technique, and make it a learning experiment. I've admired the geometric designs of mosaicist Ilona Fried, and wanted to try my hand at that. Much harder than it looks! I'm not thrilled with the piece since I didn't like the tile to begin with, and didn't quite succeed at creating the look I wanted, so I have no idea what I'll do with it. But I did learn a few things, and did better with the grout than I had in the past.


  1. Hi there - I noticed that someone had visited my website from your blog (thanks for linking to me) so I came to check it out. Yes, designing geometrically *is* harder than it looks, as you have discovered.


  2. Cool - a comment from Ilona! Hope you're flattered, and not insulted by my attempts to try your technique. It's more about trying to learn my way around this art, and learn what can be done, and to try to find my own style. Like copying the master painters to learn to paint.
